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Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About - CD Set

Normaler Preis €24,95 EUR
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Kevin Trudeau blows the lid off a nest of deception and double standards concerning general and individual health in New York Times best seller Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You To Know About. Kevin has risked government prosecution to bring you the full story of an intricate conspiracy.

From the retail supermarket outlets of huge, publicly traded corporations come processed, manipulated, engineered "food products" - produced by other wings of the same corporation. These artificial, toxic treats are then sold with the blessings of the Federal Trade Commission and Food and Drug Administration - government organizations charged with safeguarding the public good - laying the foundations for future disease and chronic illhealth for the consumer, and a guaranteed source of revenue for the medical and pharmaceutical sectors.

Kevin reveals the shocking truth of how drugs - which are being advertised directly to the consumer, pushing their use to an all-time high - are actually the cause of illness and disease climbing to near epidemic levels.

And, though it sounds dire, Kevin offers a light in the darkness and directs the listener to scores and scores of alternative therapies, medical practices, philosophies and - most importantly - potential cures that help your body regain its natural state of health and vibrancy.

So follow Kevin on an amazing journey through the behind-the-scenes world of corporate sponsored "nutrition" and "health", and learn about the Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You To Know About.

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