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The Promise of Surfing Rainbows Storybook

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EnvĆ­os y Devoluciones

Author: Dolce, P D M

Brand: Balboa Press

Binding: Paperback

Number Of Pages: 76

Release Date: 04-03-2016

Details: We are the Rainbow Surfers. Come and join us on this amazing adventure on the river of life! If you are ready, the promise within The Promise of Surfing Rainbows is about to be revealed ... Let the Rainbow Surfers show you how to attract the very best that life has to offer! Having spent until the age of thirty-two working in the wrong jobs, married to the wrong partner, driving the wrong car, and living the wrong life, I can categorically tell you that the wonderful message from Surfing Rainbows, that you can love your life and that you can live your dreams, is not only inspirational, it is also deadly accurate. As a young, working-class man, I was told by my peers that "people like us" do not become artists, they do not write books, and they certainly do not have films made about their lives. I wrote my first book in a factory toilet where I was hired to sweep floors. My world was so small that I did not even know anyone that owned a typewriter. And yet that first book, Watch My Back, still went on to become a Sunday Times Best Seller and a BAFTA-winning film. I am an ordinary person-let us have no doubt about that. So if I can attract an amazing life, I know that anyone can do it. I wish I'd have known about Surfing Rainbows way back when I started; it would have saved me a lot of time. I love this beautifully presented book. I love this inspirational message, and I highly recommend this work to anyone wanting to live a successful life. -Geoff Thompson

EAN: 9781504349840

Package Dimensions: 10.9 x 8.5 x 0.3 inches

Languages: English

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